Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self' X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Steve Larsen: Kittens on DJ Decks - First Viral Video of Google+


Kittens on DJ Decks - First Viral Video of Google+

If you haven't seen it already check out the video featuring Catboy Slim, Armin van Purren and Deadmeow5.

The newest social network Google+ has recently launched just the other week. If you're not on it yet you most certainly have heard of it. It's currently loaded with lots of Tech people and as such the discussions are mostly focused around topics related to Google+ itself or other tech related items. Adding some cats in the mix only helps broaden the audience and bring the platform to the mainstream.

This video, I believe, can hold the honour as the first viral video spread from a Google+ post. It's managed to make it's way to the Mashable home page as well as numerous places all around the web like RedditBoingoingBuzzhunt and others.

It's spread so quickly that YouTube stats can't even keep up with it yet. It's holding numerous hounours right now and at only 1,800 or so views it's clearly not keeping up.


Courtney said...

Hi there - Can you check your messages on youtube? trying to get a hold of you from ABC News. Thanks!

mensajes claro said...

I love google + , Is better than facebook.